| Name: Veronica
Birthdate: January 29
Height: 5' 8"
Has regularly attended RHPS since: February of 1995
Current character or role: Columbia, Treasurer, Official theatre & venue liason
Other regular parts played: Janet, Magenta, Rocky, Trixie & Trannie
Actual theater experience: Wigs and makeup for the Seattle Opera, Assistant costume design for many shows at UW. I do have a BA in Drama from that fine institution as well, so a lot of experience there. Various interesting costume construction projects.
Why do I do Rocky?: Well, it’s fun and silly but I can also be creative. It’s not like anything else. I can run around in nothing but my underwear, glitter & sequins. What’s not to like?
What's the best thing about Rocky?: Do I have to choose one? Here are three: shiny things, being wacky and cute people.
Give us more: The Vicarious Theatre Company is the first cast that I performed with. In fact, it wouldn’t have occurred to me to perform if I hadn’t been dragged in as a last minute replacement. Then, I realized that I COULD do this. In truth, I was good at it and I really enjoyed it! At that time, it dawned on me that the people involved had started to become like a family to me.