Name: Colleen

Age: 30

Birthdate: 6/16

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 4lbs 6oz - I was a preemie

Measurements: Larger than life

Has regularly attended RHPS since: June of '93 - most of you weren't even BORN yet *sob

Length of time actually on cast: Provisional since June 1999, board member since 2003

Current character or role: Dr. Frank, Webmistress, outside venue Liasion, RockyPalooza coordinator

Other regular parts played: Columbia, Rocky

Related or special skills: I look fabulous in furs. Obsessive compulsive desire to curse loudly in public, fling food about and covet all things shiny and / or fluffy. Call now! (No obligation to buy.)

Actual theater experience: I do Rocky as an escape from "actually" doing "real" stuff. :p

Say something to the folks: "Thank you, ma'am, may I have another?"

Give us more:
My brother introduced me to the video version of RHPS when I was the young and tender age of 9 years old. Soon thereafter, I was having slumber parties which included Time-Warping on the living-room table until 2am. I collected any and all RHPS memorabilia that I could get my pre-pubescent little hands on. I joined the Rocky Horror official fan club at age 12. Their all-inclusive cast / city list is how I initially discovered the VTC.

I went to my first VTC show at the Neptune Theater (RIP) at age 13, and again as frequently as possible after that. By age 16 I had every one of my friends dressing in drag and painting their faces white each Saturday night. I was pulled on stage as an emergency Columbia on my 17th birthday, and that my friends was the beginning of the end.

Still too shy to talk to the Almighty Cast Members, I frequented the shows and silently slipped away after each one for the next few years. It wasn't until 1999 that I was approached about playing with the cast, and I couldn't have been happier.

Rocky has meant much more to me than at times I've cared to admit. I've ended and began relationships due to my obsession and love for these freaks that I call my extended family. I've lived with, loved, lost, celebrated, mourned and have found some of the dearest friends I've ever had through this maddeningly eccentric conglomeration of drag, sequins, glitter, make-up and wigs. Randy and I even did the Time Warp at our wedding (with the VTC in full-force attendance)!

I've performed with the amazing Tacoma, Bremerton & Portland casts, and I had elbow-sex with Richard O'Brien in Las Vegas in 2000, which pissed a lot of people off. Heh heh heh.

But let's not forget what Rocky is really all about, eh? Because I'd be lying if I said that the prancing around in my skivvies wasn't a definite plus. Oh, the things we'll do for the love of exhibitionism!

3/26/11 ETA: "Retired" is so... permanent sounding. Let's amend that to "took a 4 month leave of absence and came to her senses." ...So, yeah. I'm back, bitches. Xoxoxo!

Oh VTC, how do I love thee, let me count the ways...

Colleen's tribute
to Robert Ballard

Leenie & Sarabear


Rocky with her husband

Dr. Frank N Piggy
& Kermie

Cinco de Mayo or
Lionel Richie? You decide.


Gender swap night - She always
ends up playing a dude...

Screw you guys,
I'm goin' home!

Send Colleen a note!