Name: Colleen
Age: 30
Birthdate: 6/16
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 4lbs 6oz - I was a preemie
Measurements: Larger than life
Has regularly attended RHPS since: June of '93 - most of you weren't even BORN yet *sob
Length of time actually on cast: Provisional since June 1999, board member since 2003
Current character or role: Dr. Frank, Webmistress, outside venue Liasion, RockyPalooza coordinator
Other regular parts played: Columbia, Rocky
Related or special skills: I look fabulous in furs. Obsessive compulsive desire to curse loudly in public, fling food about and covet all things shiny and / or fluffy. Call now! (No obligation to buy.)
Actual theater experience: I do Rocky as an escape from "actually" doing "real" stuff. :p
Say something to the folks: "Thank you, ma'am, may I have another?"