| Name: Chip (Tweek)
Age: 30
Birthdate: 05/07/1980
Height: 6' 2"
Measurements: 6 inches . . . last time I measured
Has regularly attended RHPS since: October 10th 1998
Length of time actually on (a) cast: December 1998
Current character or role: Brad Majors (Universal Male Understudy)... Ok maybe not universal... I don't think I'll play Frank more than that one time, and I'm way too fat to play Rocky.
Other regular parts played: Riff Raff, Dr. Scott, MC (with various other casts)
Related or special skills: Computer Guy, Tech Guy, Geek, and professional N.E.R.D (Not Even Remotely Dorky) And I LOVE fucking with seagulls.
Actual theater experience: Are you trying to imply that Rocky isn't "actual" theatre experience?? I'll have you know that Rocky Horror has been in continuous play and has been performed weekly all over the world for FAR longer than anything that putz Shakespeare ever released on DVD.
Say something to the folks: I've always felt that Rocky Horror is a place where people can come on Saturday night and not be judged for who they are, what they wear, or their sexual orientation. Rocky Horror gives young adults something to do on Saturday night other than drugs, sex, and drinking to oblivion. Besides, we don't want the people that come to Rocky to reproduce.