| Name: Princess Tiphany of the Fifth House of Cups
Age: 28
Birthdate: 11/04/1979
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 130lbs
Measurements: Sugar and spice and everything nice
Has regularly attended RHPS since: June of 1993
Length of time actually on cast: Board member as of August 2005, Trannie since June 1999
Current character or role: Stage Manager and temporary Magenta
Other regular parts played: Everything but Columbia
Related or special skills: Crazy Eyes Par Excellence, devious nature, plethora of fishnets, love and adoration for freaks, a belly dancer, a snake charmer
Actual theater experience: Musicals and plays whilst in school, two musicals in local theatre, belly dancer
Say something to the folks: "It's nicer than sucking on gonads!"