| Name: Patrick McMahon, a.k.a. St. Patrick of B.F.E.
Birthdate: March 11th, something or other...
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: I am working out. Yes, my corset is a little tight.
Has regularly attended RHPS since: November of 1996
Length of time actually on cast: provisional since 9/99
Actual number of shows: 325 +
Current character or role: Eddie / Dr. Scott
Other regular parts played: Crim, Frank (on occasion)
Related or special skills: former cast director for the Tacoma WA cast, Velvet Darkness. Also, "the Master with the riding crop, (my Mistress.) I also can mix up a few good drinks. (And a few bad ones too...)"
Actual theater experience: Patrick starred in his first two plays this year!
Say something to the folks: "Hi folks. So, how old is your daughter?"