| Name: Kevin
Birthdate: 6/21/ mind your own business.
Height: 70 inches, when I remember not to slouch
Measurements: shoe size 10 1/2, gloves cadet med. lg.
Has regularly attended RHPS since: January 1998
Length of time actually on cast: Late 1999
Actual number of shows: about 70
Current character or role: Riff
Other regular parts played: "Brad is the part I had claim to since 99, but I have performed in all but 2 of the 10 posible singing or speaking roles."
Actual theatre experience: I've worked in one, been thrown out of a couple others, and have a semi-pro acting credit to my name.
Related or special skills: Extreme resilience. Kevin has graduated from breaking things in other people's homes, to regularly breaking himself on stage.
"In the course of 4 years of the show I have done the following:
Gotten a black eye (running from Riff while playing Rocky)
Scratched my face on the screen (twirled into it during the floorshow playing Brad)
Had a spike heel impale the top of my foot ( Frank landed badly during the wedding scene)
Driven a bolt into the bottom of my foot (leaving the castle, there used to be seats in that spot, but they left the bolts. Bolts later removed from both floor and foot)
Sprained ankle ( running from Frank)
Broken two fingers ( fell from the chairs I was standing on while doing lights)
Fractured an arm (same fall, doing lights)
Say something to the folks: "Deep down, I'm every bit as frightening as I seem."