Say something to the folks: "I am not a fizzy yellow beer drinking ninny here under false pretenses." Give us more: I've been involved with the Vicarious Theatre Company since February of '97, and playing the part of Riff since June of the same year. I'd seen the show three times before I performed for the first time, if you could call it performing. I played Dr. Scott, and I wasn't expected to be anything more than a talking prop filling in at the last minute, which is good, because I wasn't, but that's all it took get to get me hooked. Well, that and the post-show party at Chez Shag. I've lived in Seattle all my life, and sometimes I've thought it's time for a change, but the situation just hasn't been right yet. Maybe when I get my B.S., but I'm not planning on graduating until June of 2005 (just in time for my ten year HS reunion!), so I should be around for a while longer. I don't know if I'll try to keep doing Rocky when I do finally move... I suppose it depends on where I go. I used to wait tables in fine dining, but now I'm back to being a full time student at the University of Washington, pursuing a degree in biology, with a focus on ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Or was that biology-teacher prep? Or was that oceanography? Or was that marine biology through the fisheries department? I don't know what it is I want to do once I graduate, so I'm not entirely sure what I want to get my degree in. Maybe teaching, maybe bio-remediation, maybe grad school for another five years so I don't have to decide anytime soon. I'm going to hope that Mary Schmich was right. And I don't mean about the sunscreen. I listen to ska when I'm trying to write papers/research proposals/speeches/rambling bios at the last minute. It's my motivational music. I listen to goth industrial or techno when I want to dance. I listen to Counting Crows, Matchbox 20, and the soundtrack to Rent when I'm feeling nostalgic. I listen to Ani, Concrete Blonde, Beth Orton, celtic rock and traditional, and a bunch of other random shit whenever I feel like it. A bit too often with the celtic bits for some of the people I've lived with. I'm straight. Doesn't mean I'm not still flattered by boys hitting on me, and it doesn't mean that I don't think that Johnny Depp is hot, but I like girls. No matter how well I can deep throat a banana. Chuck Palahniuk, Irvine Welsh, Jack Kerouac, Ken Kesey, and Neal Stephenson are my favorite authors. Hal Hartley, Baz Luhrman, Akira Kurosawa, and Pedro Almodovar are my favorite directors. Michael Parks, Brian Froud, and Salvador Dali are my favorite artists. I'm partial to Jameson's, Murphy's Stout, a good Bloody Mary, and anything from Stone Brewing Company. Such is me...